About me
Hi there, I am Clarissa Haley! No bells. No whistles. I am just a woman with a vision and a story to tell. My mom planted a seed, 30+ years ago, when she wrapped her voice around different Biblical figures and freed them from the confines of the page. I invited them into the wonderful world of my imagination and we have been kicking it ever since lol. No for real, I accepted my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, into my heart as a result of my mom telling my sister and I bedtime, Bible stories. I would be remiss if I did not also mention that such opportunities were afforded us because of my hardworking father.
I Imagine Bible Stories presented by Limitless Productions is the fruit of that precious seed.
Success Coach, Entrepreneur, Author, Podcaster, Teacher, Student, Kingdom Citizen, Ambassador of Christ. I am many things and yet I am nothing without YHWH and without you.
Thank you for your support and love!