Moses – The Misfit | The Thug | The Called


Guided Study | Poetry Chapbook | Prompt Journal

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Moses is a guy that many of us can relate to in some way if we start to see him as a real person and not just a crusty old dude with a stick on the cover of a bedtime Bible picture book. Moses had family drama, insecurities, a calling much bigger than him. He had rage, curiosity, haters, regret. He had a life before the waters parted and a long journey after they did. Throughout all of it, Moses elevated himself and he set out to really get to know God deeper. This Guided Study (without the “thees” and “thous”) dives into the story of Moses and in some respect, into the story of you and me.


125 pages | Paperback |

Weight 1.5 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 in


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    Moses – The Misfit | The Thug | The Called